Haikus from Famous People, Both Dead And Alive (Treasure Stolen from the Incas, we shall gather for the Queen)
Beatnik Gumby listens to Earth, Wind, and Fire. He proclaims to himself, when the light of day dims into the night, "We are People, of the Party, Party People, Of the Sun. In Our Heart Lies, All the Answers.. and the Truth we Can't Run From."
He also snaps his fingers in time to the thythm, bobbing his head slightly, and, en hommage to Neil Cassady, sayeth to those who will listen : "I ain't Gonna Bump No More with no Big Fat Woman." Or maybe that's an hommage to Joe Tex, singer of "I Gotcha," and other fine hits.
In honor of Mr. Tex, and frankly, only for Mr. Tex, I will introduce a new stanza of Haiku, reverting from the traditional 5-7-5 to the more transitional, dare I say, southern california haiku, of 3-7-3?
"I Gotcha,
You Tried to Sneak By Me Now,
Didn't You?"
Nonetheless, I did promise you Haikus of famous people, both dead and alive, yes? Indeed, no more amateur stanza structure: From here on out, only the famed 5-7-5 shall apply.
Let's start with Dead.
"To find my killer,
Just ring my fucking doorbell,
And ask for Patsy. "
Back to the living...
"Question my color?
My Green stems not from Envy,
But Other Demons. "
And with respect to the dead...
"I'm Henry Miller,
I wrote Tropic of Cancer,
Best Novel Ever."
"And in this corner:
Representing the Living..
GUMBY, You Bitches!
"Thanks Mr. Buffer,
Gumby feel like rocking out,
KISS : ALIVE is on."
Aww.. Virgle, just when I was starting to think I had single-handedly killed the Haiku, you come along and drop a ray of sunshine on my day.
Just like Patsy dropped J.B.
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